Cups in a quart

There are 4 cups (C) in 1 quart (qt) in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement. Cups and quarts are both measurements of volume and capacity.

There are multiple definitions of cups and quarts still in use today based on different definitions of the gallon. Some of these are the US customary cup, US legal cup, the imperial cup, and the metric cup. It is important to pay attention to which definition is being used when comparing cups and quarts to other units of volume, such as milliliters, or the conversions could be inaccurate. Even though their actual measures may differ in different systems, the relationship between cups and quarts remains constant; there are 4 cups in 1 quart.

Cups to quarts conversion

The following converter can be used to convert from cups to quarts or quarts to cups. Just enter a value in either cups or quarts to convert between the two.


Cups to quarts conversion explained

To convert between cups and quarts, we need to remember the relationship between cups and quarts.

1 cup = quarts

1 quart = 4 cups

If we have a value in cups, we just need to divide it by 4 to convert it to quarts. If we have a value in quarts, we instead multiply by 4 to convert it to cups.


1. Convert 17 cups to quarts:

17 C ÷ 4 = 4.25 qt

2. Convert ⅓ quarts to cups:

⅓ qt × 4 = 1.33 C

Other cup measurements

Below is a list of the various cup measurements used around the world in terms of milliliters.

1 US customary cup  =  236.5882365 mL
1 US legal cup  =  240 mL
1 imperial cup  =  284.131 mL
1 metric cup  =  250 mL

A US legal cup is the definition of a cup that is used on nutrition labels in the US. The imperial cup is a definition of the cup used in the United Kingdom, based on the measurement of 10 imperial fluid ounces. The metric cup is used in countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and others.

These are just a few of the many different definitions of a cup used around the world, and as can be seen, their quantities can vary quite significantly. The cup is a good example of how much units of measurements can differ, and why it is useful to have standardized systems of measurement such as the International System of Units.